Advanced bash scripting 2017

I am very happy to announce that my graduate school asked me to repeat the block course about bash scripting, which I first taught in 2015.

In the course we will take a structured look at UNIX shell scripting from the bottom up. We will revise some elements about the UNIX operating system infrastructure, discuss handy features of the shell as well as its syntax elements. Whilst the main focus of the course is the bash shell, we will look at other common utility programs like grep, sed and awk as well as they are very handy in the context of scripting. Last but not least we will discuss common pitfalls and how they can be avoided.

The course runs from 6th till 10th November 2017 at Heidelberg University. You can find further information on the "Advanced bash scripting" course website.

As usual all course material will be published both on the course website as well as the course github repository afterwards.

Update (29/09/2017): Registration is now open.