IWR School: Mathematical Methods for Quantum Chemistry

From 2nd to 6th October 2017 the IWR hosts the school Mathematical Methods for Quantum Chemistry, which aims at shining some light into the simulation of quantum chemical problems and their mathematical properties. I am very happy to be part of the organising committee for this school, especially since I have been missing an opportunity like this myself in the recent years.

Starting from an introduction into the basics of quantum chemistry as well as the required concepts about optimisation and non-linear eigenvalue problems, we will look at ways to tackle the relevant differential equations from a numerical and algorithmic viewpoint. Hands-on practical sessions allow to apply the treatment introduced in the lectures to simple practical problems.

After the school participants will have an idea of the required interplay between the physical modelling, the mathematical representation and the computational treatment needed in this highly interdisciplinary field of research.

Speakers of the school include

The school mainly targets postgraduate students, postdocs and young researchers from mathematics and computational chemistry. Everyone is encouraged to participate actively by giving a short presentation of his or her work during the available sessions of contributed talks.

For further information as well as the program check out our website. The deadline for the application is 8th August 2017 (direct registration link).

We intend to publish the material of the school as we go along at this location, so feel free to check back regularly for updates.